Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Thing 20

You Tube is very interesting. I can find videos on so many subjects that I could spend all my free time just exploring this site. I am amused by so many of them, but I am also dismayed to see some disturbing videos previewed while I am looking at g-rated submissions. I realize this site is meant to be used by all, but I would like to see them moderate the violent and adult-content videos into another location. At least You Tube could prevent the thumbnail preview of questionable content videos.
Here is a great video of some people who expanded their garden pond. Steve wants to replace our above-ground swimming pool with a pond like this because he wants me to swim with the fishes.
My Video Clips show my son, Steven, racing in the Duryea Mountain Bike race in 2005. He is wearing black and red. In the second video he can be seen racing down the stairs at minute 1:32.
Here's a great video of my uncle/godfather George Masso playing the trombone. This is my favorite music.

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